The Great Progressive Church
Excellent analysis of the sickness that pervades our society.
Politics, current events and random things I find interesting....

Saturday, December 15, 2012
Friday, December 14, 2012
Thoughts on a tragedy
There really are no words to express the heartbreak we all feel over the senseless murder of innocent children and adults that happened today. I cannot begin to imagine how the parents, friends and families feel or how they can even process what happened to them today. My heart goes out to all of them and they will be in my prayers, that they may find some peace and comfort from God's presence.
In the aftermath of things like this, people all want to find someone to blame, and often it is not the person who committed the murder. They want answers. The answers aren't as easy as gun laws or even improving the availability of mental health services. The answers are in the mind of the murderer and in the mirror to some extent. Obviously, the murderer is to blame for his actions. He made the choice to steal his mother's guns and use them to brutally murder her and those children. I don't automatically like to jump to the "mental illness" defense, because, as someone on Twitter wrote, " without actual proof, don't accept mental illness as an explanation. Perfectly sane people are perfectly capable of choosing evil acts". I would also add that even if there is a mental illness, that may not be the cause of the behavior and most mentally ill people are not dangerous. A person can be sane and evil or mentally ill and evil.
Why would I say that answers may lie in the mirror? Because we have created, allowed, and participated in a culture that creates these monsters. I'll talk about the gun issue later but will just mention that there are societies with guns in every home that do not have these types of incidents. There are reasons for that. We in America want to blame the gun, an inanimate object, for these things, but we need to look at the reasons behind that. These mass murders are a symptom of a much deeper problem. Why are these people wielding these weapons? Why do we have this problem that other "gun toting" societies don't have?
We live in a sick, permissive society that discourages accountability and responsibility and then we can't figure out how we end up with such messed-up people? We have extended childhood and adolescence artificially so we don't expect people to act like grown-ups until they are in their 30's. We allow, encourage, and celebrate all sorts of horrendous behavior, expose our children to it and wonder how we got here? Open your eyes, people.
We no longer want to have rules and standards for fear of being "judgemental". We don't parent or discipline our children, preferring to be their "buddies" instead or, worse, partying with our teenage children to be "cool". In so many homes, the children run the show and the parents are subservient to them. This is completely backwards. Parents protect kids from the consequences of their actions when they get in trouble in school or the community. We worry about "fairness" and everyone gets a trophy or we don't keep scores in sports. Winning and losing are a part of life kids need to learn. We have overindulged kids who all think they are special who have developed absolutely no coping skills because their parents have protected them from disappointment and they've never been told "NO". We have created in them a sense of entitlement that they "deserve" whatever they want.
We subject these same children to a Hollywood and media culture full of sex and violence. We teach them moral relativity, there is no right or wrong, it is all subjective. Prime time TV and even children's movies are raunchy and full of sexual innuendo. They are overexposed to things that children should not be exposed to; things their immature reasoning and emotional skills cannot process. They are overstimulated with constant activity, noise, gadgets and violent games and movies. Many of their heroes and "idols" are very poor role models but we excuse and condone their behavior because they are "talented". Parents are too busy working for their fancy homes, cars, or whatever to spend real quantity, not just "quality" time with their kids. When mine was growing up, some of the best times and talks we had were when we were just doing everyday things. Quantity counts. We are guilty of continuing to give these Hollywood types, who are calling for gun control while getting rich portraying all manner of violence and mayhem in movies, music, and TV. We don't turn off the TV or quit downloading the music or stay away from the movies. We actively and willingly participate in the degradation of our society and the emotional disturbance of our children. We turn our backs on the Jerry Sanduskys and the "open secret" secret of pedophilia in Hollywood. Look at the truly horrendous people we put on reality television. Kids are impressionable. We sacrifice our children to the gods of entertainment and wonder why we have these troubles?
We have given our children a world of sex without love or consequences (or so we think-there are always consequences), freedom without responsibility, life without meaning. It's ok to kill babies in the womb; its a "choice". No, its a baby. I've seen this quote floating around the Internet as if it is some profound wisdom "never regret anything because at the time it was exactly what you wanted". This sums up the morality we have passed on; stupid, trite and meaningless. So if today's murderer had not killed himself, he shouldn't have to regret anything because at the time, what he really wanted was to kill people? Should the pedophile not regret raping a child because at the time it was what he really wanted? How stupid and ridiculous. Of course, we should regret things, not go on beating ourselves up forever or wallowing in guilt, but we should regret when we've done wrong.
We push materialism and superficial "beauty" ideals instead of character and intelligence-real intelligence and critical thinking-not regurgitating a bunch of propaganda from leftist professors and pseudo intellectuals. We have educated idiots with no real, tangible job skills and thousands of dollars of student loan debts who cannot support themselves and expect that the government should take care of them because they can't find a job.
And then we have the media who gives these guys what they want; 15 minutes of fame. Not that they shouldn't report it but the sensationalizing needs to stop. Many of these mass murderers are really unremarkable people or guys who in society might be classified as "losers". The way the media handles these stories plays right into the fantasy they have of power and instilling fear into people-going out in a "blaze of glory", allowing them in death what they didn't have in life. Don't give it to them. If other potential nutbags out there see that they aren't going to get the notoriety they want, it may help discourage, rather than encourage things.
Now we'll talk about guns, only for the fact that the gun control crowd is already out in full force. Funny how when it comes to liberals' pet issues they say "you can't legislate morality" but somehow that changes on the issue of guns or murder. Isn't that a moral issue they are trying to legislate? Beyond that, the reality is: 1) Like it or not, our Constitution guarantees the right to bear arms; not for sport or hunting, although that is well and good, but for the purpose of protecting ourselves from government itself. 2) Gun laws only take guns from law abiding citizens, not criminals, who by their very nature do not obey the law. 3) Chicago and DC have the strictest gun laws in the US and the highest rate of gun violence because.. see #2. Look at Mexico as well. 4) As mentioned earlier, there are societies with higher rates of gun ownership (Switzerland and Israel to name 2) who do not have this issue of mass murders, which implies that the issue is NOT the guns, but rather something else. 5) Places with severe restrictions or bans on guns generally fall into 2 categories: countries full of people who cannot protect themselves (see info on UK crime) or dictatorships. Most of these mass shootings have taken place in "gun free" zones. There have been other attempted mass shootings that have been stopped by armed citizens, but the media doesn't like to report on those. Most legal carriers of guns are respectful, law abiding citizens who use guns for hunting, sport and the potential for self defense if needed. I own 3 semi automatic guns myself and most gun critics don't even know what that means. If some scumbag wants to inflict heavy damage, they will find a way, either by illegally obtaining guns or finding another way (homemade bombs, other weapons. vehicles as weapons, etc).
I am not advocating for any government interventions or censorship on any of the ills of society I have mentioned (except abortion, sorry, I can't see how it ok to kill a baby in the womb and then not as soon as its born). We should have the sense to police ourselves. And truly, we cannot legislate morality in most cases. We need to begin acting according to our principles or actually getting some principles; saying no, speaking up, not giving money to watch sleazy and harmful entertainment, getting involved in education or homeschooling our kids-we need to make hard choices, myself included. The problem is not the guns, it is us. Until we see that, we will continue doing what we've done and nothing will change except the continual loss of freedom as we give up our freedom for the illusion of safety until the time comes when we have neither.
In the aftermath of things like this, people all want to find someone to blame, and often it is not the person who committed the murder. They want answers. The answers aren't as easy as gun laws or even improving the availability of mental health services. The answers are in the mind of the murderer and in the mirror to some extent. Obviously, the murderer is to blame for his actions. He made the choice to steal his mother's guns and use them to brutally murder her and those children. I don't automatically like to jump to the "mental illness" defense, because, as someone on Twitter wrote, " without actual proof, don't accept mental illness as an explanation. Perfectly sane people are perfectly capable of choosing evil acts". I would also add that even if there is a mental illness, that may not be the cause of the behavior and most mentally ill people are not dangerous. A person can be sane and evil or mentally ill and evil.
Why would I say that answers may lie in the mirror? Because we have created, allowed, and participated in a culture that creates these monsters. I'll talk about the gun issue later but will just mention that there are societies with guns in every home that do not have these types of incidents. There are reasons for that. We in America want to blame the gun, an inanimate object, for these things, but we need to look at the reasons behind that. These mass murders are a symptom of a much deeper problem. Why are these people wielding these weapons? Why do we have this problem that other "gun toting" societies don't have?
We live in a sick, permissive society that discourages accountability and responsibility and then we can't figure out how we end up with such messed-up people? We have extended childhood and adolescence artificially so we don't expect people to act like grown-ups until they are in their 30's. We allow, encourage, and celebrate all sorts of horrendous behavior, expose our children to it and wonder how we got here? Open your eyes, people.
We no longer want to have rules and standards for fear of being "judgemental". We don't parent or discipline our children, preferring to be their "buddies" instead or, worse, partying with our teenage children to be "cool". In so many homes, the children run the show and the parents are subservient to them. This is completely backwards. Parents protect kids from the consequences of their actions when they get in trouble in school or the community. We worry about "fairness" and everyone gets a trophy or we don't keep scores in sports. Winning and losing are a part of life kids need to learn. We have overindulged kids who all think they are special who have developed absolutely no coping skills because their parents have protected them from disappointment and they've never been told "NO". We have created in them a sense of entitlement that they "deserve" whatever they want.
We subject these same children to a Hollywood and media culture full of sex and violence. We teach them moral relativity, there is no right or wrong, it is all subjective. Prime time TV and even children's movies are raunchy and full of sexual innuendo. They are overexposed to things that children should not be exposed to; things their immature reasoning and emotional skills cannot process. They are overstimulated with constant activity, noise, gadgets and violent games and movies. Many of their heroes and "idols" are very poor role models but we excuse and condone their behavior because they are "talented". Parents are too busy working for their fancy homes, cars, or whatever to spend real quantity, not just "quality" time with their kids. When mine was growing up, some of the best times and talks we had were when we were just doing everyday things. Quantity counts. We are guilty of continuing to give these Hollywood types, who are calling for gun control while getting rich portraying all manner of violence and mayhem in movies, music, and TV. We don't turn off the TV or quit downloading the music or stay away from the movies. We actively and willingly participate in the degradation of our society and the emotional disturbance of our children. We turn our backs on the Jerry Sanduskys and the "open secret" secret of pedophilia in Hollywood. Look at the truly horrendous people we put on reality television. Kids are impressionable. We sacrifice our children to the gods of entertainment and wonder why we have these troubles?
We have given our children a world of sex without love or consequences (or so we think-there are always consequences), freedom without responsibility, life without meaning. It's ok to kill babies in the womb; its a "choice". No, its a baby. I've seen this quote floating around the Internet as if it is some profound wisdom "never regret anything because at the time it was exactly what you wanted". This sums up the morality we have passed on; stupid, trite and meaningless. So if today's murderer had not killed himself, he shouldn't have to regret anything because at the time, what he really wanted was to kill people? Should the pedophile not regret raping a child because at the time it was what he really wanted? How stupid and ridiculous. Of course, we should regret things, not go on beating ourselves up forever or wallowing in guilt, but we should regret when we've done wrong.
We push materialism and superficial "beauty" ideals instead of character and intelligence-real intelligence and critical thinking-not regurgitating a bunch of propaganda from leftist professors and pseudo intellectuals. We have educated idiots with no real, tangible job skills and thousands of dollars of student loan debts who cannot support themselves and expect that the government should take care of them because they can't find a job.
And then we have the media who gives these guys what they want; 15 minutes of fame. Not that they shouldn't report it but the sensationalizing needs to stop. Many of these mass murderers are really unremarkable people or guys who in society might be classified as "losers". The way the media handles these stories plays right into the fantasy they have of power and instilling fear into people-going out in a "blaze of glory", allowing them in death what they didn't have in life. Don't give it to them. If other potential nutbags out there see that they aren't going to get the notoriety they want, it may help discourage, rather than encourage things.
Now we'll talk about guns, only for the fact that the gun control crowd is already out in full force. Funny how when it comes to liberals' pet issues they say "you can't legislate morality" but somehow that changes on the issue of guns or murder. Isn't that a moral issue they are trying to legislate? Beyond that, the reality is: 1) Like it or not, our Constitution guarantees the right to bear arms; not for sport or hunting, although that is well and good, but for the purpose of protecting ourselves from government itself. 2) Gun laws only take guns from law abiding citizens, not criminals, who by their very nature do not obey the law. 3) Chicago and DC have the strictest gun laws in the US and the highest rate of gun violence because.. see #2. Look at Mexico as well. 4) As mentioned earlier, there are societies with higher rates of gun ownership (Switzerland and Israel to name 2) who do not have this issue of mass murders, which implies that the issue is NOT the guns, but rather something else. 5) Places with severe restrictions or bans on guns generally fall into 2 categories: countries full of people who cannot protect themselves (see info on UK crime) or dictatorships. Most of these mass shootings have taken place in "gun free" zones. There have been other attempted mass shootings that have been stopped by armed citizens, but the media doesn't like to report on those. Most legal carriers of guns are respectful, law abiding citizens who use guns for hunting, sport and the potential for self defense if needed. I own 3 semi automatic guns myself and most gun critics don't even know what that means. If some scumbag wants to inflict heavy damage, they will find a way, either by illegally obtaining guns or finding another way (homemade bombs, other weapons. vehicles as weapons, etc).
I am not advocating for any government interventions or censorship on any of the ills of society I have mentioned (except abortion, sorry, I can't see how it ok to kill a baby in the womb and then not as soon as its born). We should have the sense to police ourselves. And truly, we cannot legislate morality in most cases. We need to begin acting according to our principles or actually getting some principles; saying no, speaking up, not giving money to watch sleazy and harmful entertainment, getting involved in education or homeschooling our kids-we need to make hard choices, myself included. The problem is not the guns, it is us. Until we see that, we will continue doing what we've done and nothing will change except the continual loss of freedom as we give up our freedom for the illusion of safety until the time comes when we have neither.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
I Weep for my Country
Lots of thoughts on the election tonight. I don't know where to start. Firstly, as a Christian conservative, I am fed up with being portrayed as a racist homophobe who hates poor people! That is NOT who we are. It is not who Mitt Romney is. It is a lie. For those of you who know me, you know I am intelligent, well-informed, compassionate, and hard working. Most conservatives are. There are some bad apples, of course, but they don't represent us. The biggest lie that has been perpetrated through political correctness is that disagreement or disapproval equals hate. That is just not the case, but that is a topic for another post, as is the fact that as a woman I am insulted by the assumption that all my political concerns begin and end with my "lady parts"-also a topic for another post.
As for the election tonight, I am stunned and saddened. How people cannot see through this horrible, petty man, I'll never understand. He has damaged this country and in a second term it will become absolutely unrecognizable. This man is a radical and now that he has no concerns about re-election, all bets are off. He has been divisive, not a uniter. He foments racial and class envy and discord. People are lazy and don't bother to look into the truth of things. Obama has gotten away with blatant lies and not gotten called out. The media has covered up for him and withheld stories more than once. This man is all style and no substance and for the life of me I've never seen this "charm" or likeability" that the fawning media talk about. My wonderful "assessment skills" that people have raved about at work for years tell me that he is a complete narcissist and liar. In 2008 I asked his supporters to tell me what he had accomplished to deserve my vote. They couldn't tell me. Same thing this time. Obamcare is very unpopular and he really hasn't accomplished much else, even when he had 2 years of a democratic majority in Congress to do what he wanted.
I just have this to say: if you voted for this evil, or did nothing to stop it, don't ever complain about what is to come; high energy prices, inflation, stifling government regulations, unemployment or underemployment, loss of freedoms (especially religious and speech), increased taxes, long waits, rationing, or denial of medical care once Obamacare gets into full stride, when a few more anti-gun Supreme Court justices are chosen; don't you dare complain about it to me. You chose this. We tried to warn you but you wouldn't listen. You have robbed our children and grandchildren of a better future.
Do some real research on this man. Stop getting your news spoon fed by the legacy media who have lied and covered up for him. He is not the savior you think he is, and while you're at it, take a look at how economics really works and maybe read our Constitution. He is a wolf in sheep's clothing and his ideas are harmful to our freedom. Of course, its too late, but do it anyway. He is going to govern from the hard left and as a conservative, I fully expect to be marginalized. This is a leader who talks about voting for revenge and punishing his enemies. You can say he's just the president and we can do something in 2016, but I'm afraid it will be too late to un-do it.
You may think I'm crazy, that's fine. I read a lot. I research a lot. I am constantly surrounded by people with opposing beliefs and have mine challenged. I don't live in a conservative bubble. I am not stupid, uneducated, or a sheep. I think time will prove me right. Believe me, I'd rather be wrong. I guess the lesson for me in all this is that while being an involved and informed voter is a good thing, my time would probably be better spent working on my spiritual life, which has been lacking. In the long run, that will get me a lot farther.
As for the election tonight, I am stunned and saddened. How people cannot see through this horrible, petty man, I'll never understand. He has damaged this country and in a second term it will become absolutely unrecognizable. This man is a radical and now that he has no concerns about re-election, all bets are off. He has been divisive, not a uniter. He foments racial and class envy and discord. People are lazy and don't bother to look into the truth of things. Obama has gotten away with blatant lies and not gotten called out. The media has covered up for him and withheld stories more than once. This man is all style and no substance and for the life of me I've never seen this "charm" or likeability" that the fawning media talk about. My wonderful "assessment skills" that people have raved about at work for years tell me that he is a complete narcissist and liar. In 2008 I asked his supporters to tell me what he had accomplished to deserve my vote. They couldn't tell me. Same thing this time. Obamcare is very unpopular and he really hasn't accomplished much else, even when he had 2 years of a democratic majority in Congress to do what he wanted.
I just have this to say: if you voted for this evil, or did nothing to stop it, don't ever complain about what is to come; high energy prices, inflation, stifling government regulations, unemployment or underemployment, loss of freedoms (especially religious and speech), increased taxes, long waits, rationing, or denial of medical care once Obamacare gets into full stride, when a few more anti-gun Supreme Court justices are chosen; don't you dare complain about it to me. You chose this. We tried to warn you but you wouldn't listen. You have robbed our children and grandchildren of a better future.
Do some real research on this man. Stop getting your news spoon fed by the legacy media who have lied and covered up for him. He is not the savior you think he is, and while you're at it, take a look at how economics really works and maybe read our Constitution. He is a wolf in sheep's clothing and his ideas are harmful to our freedom. Of course, its too late, but do it anyway. He is going to govern from the hard left and as a conservative, I fully expect to be marginalized. This is a leader who talks about voting for revenge and punishing his enemies. You can say he's just the president and we can do something in 2016, but I'm afraid it will be too late to un-do it.
You may think I'm crazy, that's fine. I read a lot. I research a lot. I am constantly surrounded by people with opposing beliefs and have mine challenged. I don't live in a conservative bubble. I am not stupid, uneducated, or a sheep. I think time will prove me right. Believe me, I'd rather be wrong. I guess the lesson for me in all this is that while being an involved and informed voter is a good thing, my time would probably be better spent working on my spiritual life, which has been lacking. In the long run, that will get me a lot farther.
Friday, September 14, 2012
This is brutal! And true.............
Why can't people see through this empty suit? (or chair)?
Islam is not a "Religion of Peace"
The last few days have been incredibly tense, scary, and hopefully eye-opening for some. Even so, many people still insist this is just a few "radicals" who have hijacked the religion. No, it's not. This is the face of Islam. The Koran demands this of its followers.
Islam is not compatible with Christianity. We do not worship the same God. Would the God of the Bible speak through a man such as Mohammed, who lived the life he did, marrying a 6 year old and consummating the marriage when she was 9? Had multiple wives? Endorsed and perpetrated so much bloodshed? The answer is a resounding "no". Don't give me the argument about how all God's prophets were sinners; of course they were, but, they were changed by God. The apostles were changed by their relationship with Jesus. Mohammed remained the same. They deny the divinity of Jesus.... how could this be the same God? In Islam, salvation is gained by works..... how can this be the same God? In Islam, heaven is a place of sensual pleasure, where men are promised virgins and young boys for their pleasure........ how could this be the same God? In Islam, people are compelled to convert or die....... how could this be the same God? Are you getting my point here? Our God is one who is righteous, holy, benevolent. Our God saves us from our sins, we cannot save ourselves. Our God gives us free will to choose to accept or deny the salvation he offers. Our God promises a heaven that is pure, holy and filled with joy, not sensual pleasure. This is not the same God.
So if we do not worship the same God, who do muslims actually worship? You tell me...... if not God, then who? There is only one other choice........
Here are some links... investigate for yourself.
Stop buying the myth. This is a painful truth, but it is truth. We cannot compromise with Islam. It would be a compromise with evil.
Islam is not compatible with Christianity. We do not worship the same God. Would the God of the Bible speak through a man such as Mohammed, who lived the life he did, marrying a 6 year old and consummating the marriage when she was 9? Had multiple wives? Endorsed and perpetrated so much bloodshed? The answer is a resounding "no". Don't give me the argument about how all God's prophets were sinners; of course they were, but, they were changed by God. The apostles were changed by their relationship with Jesus. Mohammed remained the same. They deny the divinity of Jesus.... how could this be the same God? In Islam, salvation is gained by works..... how can this be the same God? In Islam, heaven is a place of sensual pleasure, where men are promised virgins and young boys for their pleasure........ how could this be the same God? In Islam, people are compelled to convert or die....... how could this be the same God? Are you getting my point here? Our God is one who is righteous, holy, benevolent. Our God saves us from our sins, we cannot save ourselves. Our God gives us free will to choose to accept or deny the salvation he offers. Our God promises a heaven that is pure, holy and filled with joy, not sensual pleasure. This is not the same God.
So if we do not worship the same God, who do muslims actually worship? You tell me...... if not God, then who? There is only one other choice........
Here are some links... investigate for yourself.
Stop buying the myth. This is a painful truth, but it is truth. We cannot compromise with Islam. It would be a compromise with evil.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Great take on the Clint Eastwood routine from the RNC convention. Note what he says about ridicule.... and also what he says about the potential for race riots when the Dems lose...
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
The Onion Tells the Truth!
This spoof in the Onion is unintentionally spot-on! Funny because its true! Enjoy :)
Letter from Paul Ryan
Letter from Paul Ryan
I'm A Believer (sort of)
I've not been much of a Romney fan.... was going to hold my nose and vote for him as the anti-Obama, but over the past several months, he's slowly won my respect. Mind you, he's certainly not perfect and I disagree with Romneycare and his history with guns. He did a wonderful thing in choosing Ryan as his running mate and he's handled some of the negativity, slings and arrows thrown at him with some real finesse. He sure as hell is fighting harder than McCain did. This clip demonstrates how he can think on his feet and turn things back on Obama. He needs to keep this up. Also, Ryan debating Biden should be all kinds of awesome!
Saturday, August 11, 2012
On Wisconsin!
Wisconsin has been in the limelight an awful lot the past year or so..... Badgers went to the Rosebowl, the Packers had a great run for a while last season and Aaron Rodgers was MVP, as did the Brewers with Ryan Braun as MVP, Miss Wisconsin was crowned Miss America, and the whole Scott Walker/ recall issue. Hey libs, how did that recall work out for you, anyway? Scott Walker is a conservative rock star and set the stage for other conservatives to stand their ground. Heh. So now, we have a Wisconsinite as the VP nominee on the Republican ticket! Very exciting, not only because he's "our" guy, but because he is well-versed in economics, has an actual plan that he can articulate very well, and is really likable. That's why the libs will come out strong attacking him. He is a real threat. So...... go Wisconsin once again!
Paul Ryan, Baby!
Saturday, August 4, 2012
The Life And Times: The Persecution Of The American Church: Are You Re...
The Life And Times: The Persecution Of The American Church: Are You Re...: He makes an incredible point here. You will not be thrown in prison for being a Christ Follower. You will be killed or jailed for being "a h...
This is scary... and true.
This is scary... and true.
The Life And Times: Why Do Liberal Boycotts Always Fail?
The Life And Times: Why Do Liberal Boycotts Always Fail?: * Their boycotts have no nobility or honor to them. They are filled with hate, and rage, which is what they claim to be protesting in the fi...
This is great. And true.
This is great. And true.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Disagreement is not "hate"
The whole Chick-Fil-A has me flabbergasted, although I shouldn't be after the last several years of lead-up to this. Tolerance and diversity apparently don't apply to people who disagree with liberals, Once again, not a surprise. It's been obvious for years. What is scary is that they become bolder and more vocal all the time. They WILL resort to violence and forcible suppression. Its not a matter of IF, but WHEN. It's frightening how they try to silence those who dare cross them. Chick-Fil-A as a company does not refuse service to anyone or ask the sexual orientation of its customers or employees. A company executive simply stated his views. Is this the country we have? People cannot have freedom of consience or cannot express their religious or politcal views?
Liberals apparently do not know the difference between disagreement or disapproval and hate. Not the same thing. People can disagree with things and even disapprove of things without hating someone. I can not like what you do without hating you as a person. The insanity of it all......
They scream "hate" because they hate. They scream "intolerance" because they are intolerant. They want to silence opposition.
Slide into fascism.....
Liberals apparently do not know the difference between disagreement or disapproval and hate. Not the same thing. People can disagree with things and even disapprove of things without hating someone. I can not like what you do without hating you as a person. The insanity of it all......
They scream "hate" because they hate. They scream "intolerance" because they are intolerant. They want to silence opposition.
Slide into fascism.....
Monday, July 30, 2012
Deep thoughts
Something else that's been on my mind is the combination of factors and people threatening our safety, prosperity, and way of life. Right now, the ongoing threat of Islamic terrorism is still there. It has not gone away, despite the death of bin Laden. Obviously, collectivists and socialists, along with the ragtag bunch of anarchists and freaks that make up the "Occupy" movement are another huge threat. Many people I know, particularly in my church, are waiting for the day when the "religious right" takes over and enforces their will on the rest of us. I wonder if we've been looking at this the wrong way.
We assume that because we are told that people will do this in the name of God, that it will be people who worship the same God as us. Maybe not. The Christian Right in this country is the last safe group to mock and ridicule, as well as to try and shut out of the public square. Other religions are ok, as that is "diversity". We are not exposed to the truth about Islam. Leftists have some strange tolerance, even reverence toward Islam, despite the fact that it is a brutal religion toward women and gays, 2 of their favorite "victim" groups.
Both the left and Islamists have no qualms about violence and mayhem in the pursuit of their goals. In Islam, it is acceptable to lie, steal, cheat, whatever you need to do in the name of allah (see taquiya). Leftists think the same way (see Alinsky, for starters). Buckets of blood have been spilled at the hands of Islamists and leftist leaders in the last century, not at the hands of right-wingers, despite what the popular media would have you think.
What if these 2 seemingly opposing forces combined to form a different type of movement that would kill in the name of "God" or Allah or Gaia or whatever? Neither group has any scruples about lying or using others to accomplish their goals... or about using force and violence to achieve them. There are so many movements and efforts to take away our freedoms, from soda bans and hiding of infant formula in NYC to Article 15 of the UN Arms Trade Treaty. Businesses are punished and pressured to abandon their religious beliefs in the name of "tolerance". Bands of young people are forming large groups of people who swarm and rob stores (the recent clothing store in Illinois is just one example), In elections, there has been rampant and flagrant irregularities and fraud. There is an increasing sense of lawlessness, class envy and racial tension. Things will come to a head at some point. I wonder about some of the major players in all this, unions, leftists, terrorists, anarchists. What would they do in order to establish their utopia? Its something we need to be watchful of so as not to be focusing on the wrong bogeyman. Just food for thought.
Something is about to hit the fan. Are we ready?
We assume that because we are told that people will do this in the name of God, that it will be people who worship the same God as us. Maybe not. The Christian Right in this country is the last safe group to mock and ridicule, as well as to try and shut out of the public square. Other religions are ok, as that is "diversity". We are not exposed to the truth about Islam. Leftists have some strange tolerance, even reverence toward Islam, despite the fact that it is a brutal religion toward women and gays, 2 of their favorite "victim" groups.
Both the left and Islamists have no qualms about violence and mayhem in the pursuit of their goals. In Islam, it is acceptable to lie, steal, cheat, whatever you need to do in the name of allah (see taquiya). Leftists think the same way (see Alinsky, for starters). Buckets of blood have been spilled at the hands of Islamists and leftist leaders in the last century, not at the hands of right-wingers, despite what the popular media would have you think.
What if these 2 seemingly opposing forces combined to form a different type of movement that would kill in the name of "God" or Allah or Gaia or whatever? Neither group has any scruples about lying or using others to accomplish their goals... or about using force and violence to achieve them. There are so many movements and efforts to take away our freedoms, from soda bans and hiding of infant formula in NYC to Article 15 of the UN Arms Trade Treaty. Businesses are punished and pressured to abandon their religious beliefs in the name of "tolerance". Bands of young people are forming large groups of people who swarm and rob stores (the recent clothing store in Illinois is just one example), In elections, there has been rampant and flagrant irregularities and fraud. There is an increasing sense of lawlessness, class envy and racial tension. Things will come to a head at some point. I wonder about some of the major players in all this, unions, leftists, terrorists, anarchists. What would they do in order to establish their utopia? Its something we need to be watchful of so as not to be focusing on the wrong bogeyman. Just food for thought.
Something is about to hit the fan. Are we ready?
Its Been a Long Time...
Took an extended break from blogging, but after resorting to political posting on Facebook again, decided maybe to try my hand at blogging again. Too much going on to ignore. People are gearing up for an ugly election season.
Obama prepares for war against US citizens
People who think he is merely misguided are dangerously naive. This man has been groomed from infancy to do what he is doing. i.e. "fundamentally transform America"/ He sure is. It is becoming more unrecongnizable every day. This is not accidental. It is malicious and calculated. He foments racial tension and class warfare.
Obama prepares for war against US citizens
People who think he is merely misguided are dangerously naive. This man has been groomed from infancy to do what he is doing. i.e. "fundamentally transform America"/ He sure is. It is becoming more unrecongnizable every day. This is not accidental. It is malicious and calculated. He foments racial tension and class warfare.
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