Friday, April 8, 2011

Prosser vs. The Bride of Frankenstein

As good as the news from Waukesha is regarding the change in votes for Prosser, I'm still feeling a little wary, as Milwaukee won't finish their canvassing until next week. I'm pretty sure they'll find plenty of missing votes for the Bride of Frankenstein in car trunks, backrooms, or some other place. They probably haven't gotten all of the graveyard and felon votes yet either. Call me a pessimist, but I don't trust the dems and the union thugs. They've shown themselves to be corrupt time and time again, and historically, these things ten to swing for the liberal candidates because they are willing to cheat.

I'm hoping and praying that this doesn't happen but these people will stop at nothing in their pursuit of power. Here is some info you may not have heard....

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