Saturday, April 9, 2011

Worst. President Ever.

He goes on more vacations than anyone I have ever seen, even when there is urgent business to take care of here.  The economy is failing, gas and food prices are going up and he heads off for the weekend (again).  He has repeatedly insulted our allies.  He's "too tired" to welcome the British Prime Minister and gives him a set of DVD's as a gift (flashback to meeting the Queen, anyone?) He tells a citizen worried about gas prices maybe they need to trade in their vehicle.  We are involved in a "kinetic military action" in Libya with no plan and no apparent goals.   What is happening to our country?

The list of gaffes, mistakes, and outright incompetence over the last 2 years is breathtaking, but the media still gives him a pass and Chris Matthews is babbling about his "disarming grin".  

Can someone please wake me up and tell me this is a bad dream?

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