Saturday, August 13, 2011

Ramadan Bombathon

Nice link to the Religion of Peace website where they track the bombings and body count of the "Religion of Peace" 

Bombs and bodies

Hat Tip to Jawa Report for the link

For the record, I believe Islam is not a true religion, it is a tyrannical, oppressive political ideology disguised as a religion.  Do the research for yourself.  It is an ugly, satanic religion founded by a pedophile who married a 6 year old and consummated that marriage when she turned 9.  Disgusting.  Islam allows lying, cheating, murdering, and oppressing women in the name of allah.   There is no freedom in Islam, the penalty for leaving the faith is death.  True freedom lies in Christianity, where there is no compulsion.  God gives us a choice.  We do not save ourselves by blind obedience but we are saved through faith and the love of God.  Christians who do harmful or hateful things are shunned by the rest, whereas in Islam, terrorists and murderers are celebrated and held up as martyrs.  They are not condemned by mainstream muslims, for the most part. 

Think about how often Christians and our God are made fun of, ridiculed, criticized, and mocked in popular culture and entertainment.  People do that freely because they do not fear being murdered over it.  Contrast that to islam....  think about Comedy Central not showing the depiction of muhammed on South Parkout of fear,  ask Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Geert Wilder, Theo Van Gogh (oops, you can't, they killed him), or the cartoonists in Denmark (these are just a few examples)  about the repercussions of criticizing islam.  There is no comparison between  Christianity and islam and anyone who tries is intellectually dishonest, lying,  uninformed, or any combination of those.

More here:

Myths about islam

And here:

Jihad Watch

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