Sunday, November 6, 2011

Another day, another lesson in lefty lunacy

Via Moonbattery, a story about a man standing up to an "occupy" hippie  (language warning):

And then I leaned over and......................

I had to laugh at that story...  these people seem to think they can enforce their will on anyone and do not seem to be opposed to bullying and violence.  Two can play that game, I guess.

Verum Serum continues to have great coverage of the drug use, vandalism, sexual assault, and general mayhem that continues at most "Occupy" protests, no matter where they are.  Remember the current president has offered sympathy to these people.    Rather than re-post all the stories, I'll just link over there.  If you want to see what these people are about, go take a look.

"Occupy" movement coverage

At Breitbart, video of these degenerates harassing conservatives, some women and children, on their way to an Americans for Prosperity event.   More classy behavior.

More mayhem

Greece's current state should serve as a warning, but hippies and leftists appear to be allergic to things like facts, real statistics, and evidence.... they react to it like Dracula to holy water..

The collapse in Greece

Need I mention the standards of living and the lack of freedom in socialist utopias such as Cuba and North Korea?   How about China?   Maybe some countries in South America?     This is what the future holds for all of us if we don't stand our ground against these people and vote Obama out next year.

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