Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Zombie » Christians mock gays at shocking Easter service

Actually, the opposite is true. CONTENT WARNING. The link below contains some very graphic images but the story must be told. I've been following "zombie" for years now and he/she has done several exposes on the excesses and outrageous behavior of the gay community in San Francisco. The treatment of Christians in this is absolutely outrageous but is condoned, while people cowtow to muslims for fear of retaliation, Christians are the ones who are called "intolerant"?? Really?? Who are the ones who are consistently and openly mocked in our society? Sure as heck isn't Muslims... who, by the way, in their own countries routinely execute gays. Sure, Christians sometimes complain or boycott, but are not threatening or committing acts of violence toward those who continually mock us and our God. The day of reckoning will come, though, when these people have to face the true Jesus and see what their mockery has done.

Zombie » Christians mock gays at shocking Easter service

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