Monday, June 13, 2011

Wisconsin Update

This whole budget deal should have been done months ago, but the unions, the lefties, and their political and judicial stooges have been having one giant hissy fit.  Seriously, people, grow up and move on.  "Elections have consequences", remember?    The legislature may have to pass the collective bargaining bill again if the court doesn't rule on it.  All this ridiculous nonsense. The left absolutely does not care about anything but power and getting their own way.  They don't care what it costs the taxpayers, or if it costs jobs, or hurts the economy, they don't care!  They want what they want.

I hope the GOP can stay strong and survive any recall efforts.  I think the general public has had an eye-opening experience with the unions.    According to Forbes, "Debate over Wisconsin's next budget was scheduled to begin Tuesday under heightened security in the state Capitol, with the likelihood that lawmakers will once again vote on taking away collective bargaining rights for public workers".    Why would they need so much security if these people were simply peaceful protesters.  Hopefully the democrats don't run away again.

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