Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Ugliness from the left..

These people are beyond belief.   So blatant, yet the mainstream media, democrats, Hollywood all seem to condone it.  This is noting new, of course, but so absolutely maddening to those of us with a functioning brain.....  these are just a sample of recent events.

Via Moonbattery:

"Proponents of a more refined First Amendment argue that this freedom should be treated not as a right but as a privilege — a special entitlement granted by the state on a conditional basis that can be revoked if it is ever abused or maltreated."
This from a report from 4 democratic senators.....  

"Behead the bankers"
Talk about beheading people???

Unions involved in Wall Street class warfare
Economic Terrorism

This is just a tiny sample of what is going on.   Wake up and smell the Constitution burning!!  These people are getting more and more bold every day.  They have their Manchurian candidate in the White House.  We need to stand up for our country and our rights.  Economic and religious freedom and property rights are they keys to a successful and prosperous nation.  These people are attempting to subvert and overthrow the system that has made this country so great.   

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