Thursday, November 3, 2011

Today's Episode of Left-Wing Madness

  • So the "Occupy" movement keeps getting better and better (sarcasm).    Things are escalating all over the place.   Oakland and Seattle have both had significant problems with vandalism and other lawlessness. Take a look:

Oakland gets ugly

More Oakland gets ugly

And in Seattle, a CNN reporter Tweets this:

Like a scene out of the French revolution: protesting outside Sheraton where biz leaders can be seen eating dinner

If you check out this at the Daily Caller, you'll see that some of these "99%-ers" actually live more comfortably than you and I do, or at least more than I do.

Hypocrisy, thy name is Occupy Wall Street

Great commentary at Reason    Money quote:

You will notice that the Occupy Wall Street crowds—and the progressives who support them—focus on bringing the wealthy down to earth rather than lifting the 99 percent. They have a nearly religious belief that too much wealth is fundamentally immoral and unhealthy for society. The economic systems they cheer on would coerce downward mobility for the sake of equality but ignore prosperity for the people they claim to represent.  If progressive were interested in mitigating inequality, they would support the dynamism of free markets to allow the merit of ideas, products, and services to win the day rather than stifle companies and pick winners in the name of imagined "progress." Yes, "too big to fail" means banks, but it also means union-backed bureaucracies, political parties, car companies, and green energy—nd more.

Go read for yourself:  Want equality? Support Capitalism

If you read the links, you can see the photos of these "protests" with slogans about killing cops and bankers,  supporting communism,  class warfare and more of the same.   I've been saying this since the beginning:  this will not end well.   It can't, unless these people give up their politics of envy and go home.  I don't see that happening.  They've invested too much time and energy to retreat now.  They have already been getting more agitated and violent.    They want what they want and just appear to be getting more radicalized as the time goes by.  Rational people need to stand up against these hooligans. 

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